What's new
27/05/2016 - Version 3 is out!
Big announcement here! UniversalMailer reached version 3!
So, what's up with version 3?
Version 3 is a complete rewrite of version 2, which is both something good and something bad.
Here's a list of good things:
- The plugin improved its email handling features, especially when dealing with attachments (both inline and not inline)
- You don't need an HTML signature anymore, UniversalMailer will do its job even with plain text emails.
- You can now provide your own CSS for email customization. This is a sort of an advanced feature but it's
a major feature for those of you that needs deep style customization.
- UniversalMailer source code now stands by its own: version 3 dropped the mimetic library dependency, which was
really too much for it: it now includes a custom made MIME pseudo-parser suited for its specific job. This is maybe
of no importance to the vast majority but worth a bullet point here :-)
- There's a new preference panel! This version is an oversimplified translation of the v1 and v2 panels, it should be
more user friendly!
And here's the list of bad things:
- Version 2 was largely tested by users, version 3 it's not at the moment. Expect bugs (hopefully, only new bugs and not regressions).
- Version 3 dropped supports for older OS X, this is something I really like but you may disagree.